I don’t normally say in detail what I do or where I am – partly because I sign confidentiality agreements and partly for security reasons. But yesterday’s should be okay to share.
During the day today I had two cancellations and one new booking for this week and four new bookings for next week. I also had to keep checking exactly where I was going next.
- 4.30 am: alarm went off
- 4.30am to 6am: translation (I had a last minute job that needed to be done by midday and I had no other time available)
- 6am to 7.am: fed cats, cleaned litterbox, fed myself and had my tea while reading the newspaper. Showered and got ready for work.
- 7am: bus, underground, walked and at work by 7.30am
- 7.30am: briefing
- 7.50am – 9am: Parliament Committee on Defence
- 9am – 10am: Parliament Committee on Culture
- 10am – 11am: Parliament Committee on Finance
- 11am – 12: Parliament Advisory Committee on European Union Affairs
- 12 – 12.30pm: walk then underground while eating a sandwich
- 12.30pm – 2pm: National Agency for Education
- 2pm: walked and underground back to Parliament
- 2.30pm – 3.55pm: Parliament Committee on Social Insurance
- 4pm – 4.20pm: Voting in the chamber
- 4.30pm – 5.40pm: Chair of the Committee on Social Insurance
- 6pm – 7pm: Proofreading invitations and programme for upcoming visit by a foreign delegation
- 7pm – 8pm: walk, underground, collect dry cleaning, shopping, bus home
- 8pm – 9pm: relax, play with cats, dinner, Netflix, dishes, chores
- 9pm – 1o.30pm: administration (invoicing, email, updating client records, updating bookings in the client system) and preparation and printing
You can see from my week that:
- Monday was a public holiday (I always put washi tape over holidays)
- Tuesday I had a cancellation so I translated all day. I have a big job that has to be ready by the 15th and an even bigger one that has to be ready by 1 July so I always do as much as possible during even the shortest of breaks.
- Wednesday was fully booked
- Thursday is full but with a space that I can use for translation. I like clear rulers because I can read through them.
- Friday I have had one new booking and one cancellation. I will translate the rest of the time
- Saturday is laundry and blogging day (I usually blog while I am in the communal laundry in the basement)
- Sunday I have the day off