There is a superstition in Sweden about putting your keys on the table. I am not sure why, but many people are a bit spooked if you do. I have a bad habit of doing it. During meetings I move between my office and the conference room, so I like to have my keys to hand so I can get into my office quickly. When I forget about the superstition and put the keys on the table, Swedes often go ‘ehhhhhh’. When I use this keyring and key they usually go ‘ehhhh….ooooh that’s pretty!’
The keyring is from a Cath Kidston sale a few years ago and the key is from the local locksmith. He has so many different motifs but my keys usually depict cats or bugs. This keyring is very easy to spot in my bag and always cheers me up.
Does any other country have a similar superstition to do with keys?